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Showing posts from May, 2018


In Sri Lanka, women are fragile creatures who need to be protected from themselves, and men are raging animals who are not able to control themselves.

Boozing (or not!) in Sri Lanka

The renewed ban on alcohol made me mad. Oh, so mad!!! I know, it's been so many months already since this happened but I still cannot get over it. It was bad enough in the past when very few people even knew about the fact that women didn't have the right to purchase alcohol, and was not enforced in most locations except in more rural areas, where the liquor stores are run by misogynistic old men who want to force their opinions on women in general. However, a faction of the government wanted to remove this extremely sexist and patriarchial law in January, and the president as our "culture police" decided to re-enforce it!  What makes me so angry is not that I enjoy my tipple (which I do) but the connotation that, even though I do a "man's job" (Sri Lanka's higher echelons of management are still male-oriented and male-dominated) and have responsibility for over 140 people (men and women) in my office, and even though I earn a decent salary, I